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Resources for Parents - Article  
Helping Young Children with Learning Disabilities at Home
by Doris Johnson
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Many parents of young children with learning disabilities ask what they can do at home to help their youngsters. Generally, the first step is to try to understand the child's difficulties and to consider how these weaknesses might impact on self help skills, communication, discipline, play and independence. However, above all we encourage them to focus on the child's strengths in order to build self esteem and to help them become an integral part of the family. Understanding the child's needs takes time because needs change with age and with expectations at home, in social settings and at school.

Early Learning

The early years are particularly important because learning typically occurs so rapidly and generally without formal instruction. However, parents teach their children informally as they encourage them to notice things in the environment, as they label objects and as they guide certain social skills, appropriate behaviours and manners. And many parents provide the basis for early reading, writing and mathematics by reading stories, reciting the alphabet, colouring, copying letters, writing simple messages and playing counting games.

Children with learning disabilities will typically show uneven patterns of development and perform below expectancy in one or more areas of learning such as listening, expressive language, pre-academic skills, nonverbal behaviour and/or perceptual motor skills.

Symptoms Associated with Learning Disabilities

The symptoms associated with learning disabilities differ and may include difficulty processing auditory information, problems with visual tasks, problems processing language, problems with nonverbal skills such as interpreting facial expressions, learning to play or dressing themselves. Some have no problems until they enter school, though indications of pre-academic weaknesses may be evident.

A comprehensive evaluation is helpful in order to obtain an overall profile of strengths and weaknesses, and in order to make recommendations.

Help for Young Children

Early assistance may range from a developmental class to individual assistance. A specialist might go into a class or kindergarten to assist a child in areas of learning which appear to be most difficult, or a child's learning might be monitored. In certain instances, parents choose private intervention, particularly if the schools do not provide services in the early childhood years.

Specialists may suggest activities at home and these should be carried out in the context of a parent-child social relationship which is pleasant and non-threatening. Children should feel loved and respected irrespective of any difficulties they may have.


It is important to remember that the population of children with learning disabilities is heterogeneous, therefore, not all the suggestions provided below are applicable.

Focus on the child's strengths not the weaknesses: Find jobs and special times that allow the child to contribute to the group.

Set reasonable expectations: Try not to expect more than the child is capable of doing, but expect the best that he or she can produce. This may mean that the child will have to be taught simple skills and that complex tasks will have to be taught step by step. Provide the initial assistance and then gradually reduce the supports as the child makes progress.

Provide guidance needed for independence: Some children with learning disabilities will need careful guidance and instruction to master skills, such as crossing the street, because of attention and processing weaknesses. Gradually the supports can be reduced so the child can perform independently.

Maintain consistent discipline: Give clear, simple explanations, particularly if children have language problems. Our guideline is firmness with warmth, together with consistency.

Foster intellectual curiosity: One of our primary goals is to excite children about the learning process. Parents and teachers who enjoy learning themselves can convey such an attitude to their children. Some researchers in the field have found that children with learning disabilities are inactive learners. To offset this, adults can develop a spirit of inquiry by guiding the child's listening and looking, by showing excitement and wonder about even simple events in the world. Take a walk around the block, look at the trees and bushes, feel the bark of the tree, smell the flowers, look at the grass, the gravel, the cement and talk about what is hard, smooth, rough and pretty.

Help children classify and categorize objects: Some children with learning disabilities have problems with conceptualization and will not naturally put groups of things together because they are the same colour or shape, or because of their use. They do not notice similarities or observe the most relevant attributes. Parents can help with this categorization process when they go to the grocery store, park, zoo or other places by noting how things in certain areas are similar. Help children categorize and reclassify objects so they become flexible thinkers. Later, encourage them to note how words are alike.

Provide good language models and stimulation: Informal, unstructured conversation is important to guide children's learning. Parents should talk while they are doing things with the child to enhance vocabulary and concepts. Even if the child cannot speak, parents should wait for some kind of response. This kind of interaction strengthens the interpersonal relationship as well as the verbal learning.

Guide the child's language comprehension: The first step with children with language delay is to make sure that they understand language. Do not ask them to say words that they don't understand because they will not be able to use them in communication. Words are concepts not simple associations. It is important to remember that, in English, the same object can have more than one name (rug, carpet), and the same word may have several meanings (bill, back). Many children with learning disabilities have problems with words with multiple meanings, particularly those that change with the context. Letter is probably first learned as referring to an envelope sent or received in the mail. Later, letter will refer to a part of the alphabet. Most normally achieving children seem to abstract these word meanings more easily than those with language learning disabilities. Therefore, when children start to school, teachers and parents need to make certain they understand word meanings in new contexts. Many children will not understand the terminology used in reading instruction, and have difficulty with words representing time and space (before, after, between). They may need demonstrations to make such words meaningful.

Help the child comprehend and remember longer units of language: When children have difficulty listening to stories, it is often helpful to speak slowly, to repeat phrases or sentences, and when necessary, use pictures to illustrate the meaning. Make certain that vocabulary is clear and that directions are not too long. Show the child what to do if he or she does not understand verbal instructions.

Do not call attention to expressive language weaknesses: Language is first and foremost a form of communication. Never interrupt a child's flow of thought when he or she is trying to communicate. Sometimes, if a child cannot recall a word, it may be helpful to give a multiple choice question (Do you want milk or juice? when the word the child seeks is juice) or to give the first sound of the word. In general, do not correct grammar or pronunciation. Make verbal interactions as pleasant and meaningful as possible. Listen to children. Make sure they have opportunities to contribute to family discussions.

Engage the child in early literacy activities: Reading to children strengthens oral language and introduces them to various forms of discourse such as stories, fairy tales and poetry. Reading signs, labels or thank you notes helps them to understand relationships between oral and written language and emphasizes meaning. If the child, because of a language disorder, does not like to be read to, parents should "read" the pictures and reduce the language level so that the child comprehends. From a single action picture one can ask countless questions about the objects, the actions, how things might taste, are they hot or cold, as well as simple inferential questions such as: How does the boy feel? How do you know this (from the look on his face)? Stop reading periodically and ask the child questions about the story. Have the child take turns asking the questions. Read labels on cans and signs. The primary goal is to ensure that children understand that reading is a meaningful act.

Phonemic awareness is related to early reading, so parents are encouraged to play listening games in which they identify objects that begin or end with a particular sound. Blending may be difficult, so ask children to point to the picture that goes with M-A-N. Rhyming games are also encouraged.

To strengthen visual processes, when parents read to children they should ask them to find letters or words that look the same.

Early writing is a part of literacy. Encourage all drawing activities and "pretend" writing. Don't try to achieve perfect copying or production of letters. If holding a pencil is a problem, have the child draw figures in sand, make designs in finger painting etc. Have the child trace inside the boundaries of templates of objects such as apples or fish.

Encourage early mathematics and number activities: Introduce mathematics as a meaningful activity, not as a rote memory skill. Simple counting games and number songs are helpful. However, also recommended are activities which strengthen the language of math, and one-on-one correspondence. Some children with learning disabilities have difficulty counting systematically, others have difficulty with words such as more, less, few and other relational terms. Encourage children to help estimate, measure, pour water or milk, not only to learn some of the quantitative terms but to help them acquire certain visual-spatial motor skills.

Simple games with dominoes can be used to match quantities, to strengthen counting skills and one-on-one correspondence. When reading to children, have them note the number of the pages and say them. Some youngsters learn to count, but they do not learn how to read numerals.

Ordering thing according to size (seriation) is an important aspect of math which parents can encourage. Stacking pots and pans or rings on a peg according to size teaches the rudiments of seriation.

Setting the table teaches simple problem solving: How many forks do we need? Many simple board games with dice are excellent ways of teaching counting, one-on-one correspondence and turn taking.

Help the child learn to play: Some learning disabilities interfere with a child's ability to play and acquire social skills. In order for a child to participate in groups, an adult may need to show them how to stack blocks so they do not fall, to pretend, to dig in the sand and to play simple games. We can prepare them for group activities by teaching subskills in advance. Do take time to have fun; laugh at incongruous situations, and allow for making mistakes. We all make mistakes and we can learn from them.

Encourage children to listen to music and to develop a sense of rhythm: Some children need help in listening to rhythm, beat and tempo so they can participate in group activities. Parents should clap or march with children in time to the music.

Teach simple time concepts: Many children with learning disabilities have problems understanding the language of time, the calendar, saying days of the week, months of the year, telling time and estimating time. During the early years, emphasize words such as early, later, today, tomorrow etc. Mark school days in colour on a calendar and keep a simple weather journal.

Provide structure for children with attention problems: Structure, reduction of stimulation in the environment and quiet but firm discipline will help children who have problems focussing and maintaining attention. Help with organization by breaking down complex tasks and giving an orderly sequence of activities. Develop each subskill to achieve automaticity.


Children with special needs often have special gifts such as sensitivity, perserverence, tenacity and resilience. These gifts are far more important than perfect recitation of the alphabet or copying letters. All children can make progress, but the rate of improvement varies. Try to build on the child's strengths to build his or her sense of self-respect. Help the child realize the value of people in all walks of life as you go about daily routines. There is a place for everyone.

Recommended Reading

Ames, L. & Chase, J.: Don't Push your Preschooler. Harper and Row, New York, 1980.

Calkins, L with Adelino, L.: Raising Lifelong Learners. A Parents' Guide. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA., 1997.

Chess, S. & Thomas, A.: Know your Child. Basic Books, New York, 1987.

Lauren J.: Succeeding with L.D. Free Spirit Publishing Co., Minneapolis, MN., 1997.

Lewis, R., Strauss, A. & Lehtinen, L.: The Other Child. Grune & Stratton, New York, 1960.

Osman, B.: Learning Disabilities: A Family Affair. Random House, New York, 1979.

Silver, L.: The Misunderstood Child: Understanding and Coping with your Child's Learning Disabilities. Times Books, New York, 1998.

Smith, S.: Different is not Bad, Different is the World: A Book about Disabilities. Sopris West, Longmont, CO., 1994.

Weiner, H.: Talk with your Child: How to Develop Reading and Language Skills through Conversation at Home. Viking, New York, 1988.




Doris Johnson is Professor in the Department of Speech and Director of the Learning Disabilities Centre, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. This is an abridgement of two articles which appeared in LDA Newsbriefs, September/October and November/December, 1999.

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