Learning Disabilities and Behavioural/Emotional
by Peter Chaban
Amongst identified exceptional students in Ontario, pupils with
behavioural/emotional disorders represent 6 percent of the exceptional
population and 0.53 percent of the overall school population*. As
with learning disabilities, the definition used for this exceptionality
has been controversial. Unlike, learning disabilities which defines
its expcetionality within the context of a neurological etiology,
behavioural disorders can occur as a result of neurological, psychological
and environmental factors. As a result, the behavioural definition
has to capture a diverse student population. At present, the definition
for behavioural/emotional disorders includes the following criteria:
- The student's behaviour deviates in a significant manner from
that expected for the situation.
- The behaviour breaks from age, social and cultural norms.
- Inappropriate behavior is consistently exhibited in at least
two different settings.
- The behaviour may be compulsive and/or impulsive, sad or withdrawn.
- The behaviour may represent poor interpersonal relationships
Students who are identified as behavioral/emotional may have their
behaviour described as internalizing or externalizing behaviour.
Although this description gives a quick snapshot of the student's
behaviour, it does not allow for a clearer understanding of all
the factors maintaining the behaviour. One such factor is a learning
The relationship between learning disabilities and behaviour/emotional
problems is complex. One area of interest to researchers has been
the association between learning disabilities and psychopathology.
In one study by Cantwell and Baker(1991), 600 children were identified
as speech/language impaired and 300 of these children were followed
up 5 years later. Of these children, 25 percent had learning disabilities
and 75 percent of the LD children had a psychiatric illness. The
most prominent diagnosis fell under the spectrum of anxiety disorders
and a minority were diagnosed with depression. Other studies have
pointed out that though LD children are not likely to suffer from
depression more often than those in the general population, children
who have both learning disabilities and depression reported less
self-esteem, were more detached and had a bleaker view, than depressed
children without learning disabilities.
Another area of interest is the relationship between learning disabilities
and somatic complaints. Margalit and Raviv (1984) compared the prevalence
of somatic complaints in learning disabled children with two control
groups. In the LD group, 54 percent had somatic complaints as opposed
to 9 percent and 13 percent in the two control groups. The primary
complaint amongst the LD group was fatigue.
A third area where learning disabilities and behavioral problems
coexist is with social behaviour. Often children with learning disabilities
have problems with familial and peer relationships. This may be
the result of processing problems which make it difficult for LD
children to pick up social cues. This in turn may result in avoidance
behaviour. This type of behaviour is often used as a defense to
avoid stress generated by social interactions. Children who are
unable to develop avoidance defenses may use irritable or aggressive
behaviour to cope with stress associated with social interactions.
When learning disabilities and behavioural problems appear together,
it is important to identify whether the behaviour is secondary to
the learning disability or co-morbid. When the negative behaviour
is caused by the learning disability, the solution to that behaviour
often lies in dealing with the learning disability. When it is co-morbid,
the interventions become more complicated, since the behaviour has
to be treated separately from the learning disability. In this case,
the burden of suffering should be seen as the primary problem. If
it is the behaviour presenting the greatest suffering, then it should
be managed first and if it is the learning disability, then it will
become the top priority. Often when dealing with the complexity
of coexisting learning disability and behavioural problems, finding
the solution becomes a process of trial and error. Whatever the
situation, it is important to be aware of the distress caused when
the complex interactions of learning, emotions and behaviour are
hampered by a learning disorder.
Cantwell, D.P. & Baker, L. (1991) Association Between Attention
Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disabilities. Journal
of Learning Disabilities, Vol. 24(2), 88-95
Margalit, M. & Raviv, A. (1984) LD's Expressions of Anxiety
in Terms of Minor Somatic Complaints. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Vol. 7(4), 226-228
*from Statistical Services Section, Policy Analysis and Research
Branch, Ministry of Education for 1990-91.
