Learning Disability Interventions: Making Sense
of the Evidence
Effective individualized treatment is the prescription for any child
diagnosed with a learning disability (LD). However, choosing the
right treatment can be a daunting and confusing process. Controversies
with respect to the efficacy of many LD interventions abound. How
does an "intervention consumer" make sense of the vast
array of treatments that are available? As with any potential purchase
it is always wise to investigate before buying. To be an informed
LD treatment consumer means evaluating the scientific validity of
a treatment before accepting claims of efficacy.
The importance of being an informed LD intervention consumer
Frustrated parents of children with untreated LD are especially
vulnerable to empty promises of miracle cures and treatment breakthroughs.
Desperate for solutions, some may impulsively choose controversial
untested treatments. Uninformed choices not only waste time, energy
and possibly finances but can potentially subject already overburdened
children to unnecessary frustration and failure. Although there
will always be uncertainties associated with any treatment, carefully
weighed choices will reduce the risk of wasted resources, disappointment
and learning setbacks.
The efficacy of available LD treatments
Swanson points out that we are biased by the publication of only
positive outcomes in intervention research (Swanson, 2000). This
practice leads to the impression that all treatments work and are
equally effective. Unfortunately the fact that an LD intervention
is available to the public does not mean that it has been proven
or even tested. As well, popularity and even widespread use are
not valid indicators of efficacy. In the absence of any formal regulations
monitoring the value of available LD treatments, even unsubstantiated
treatments can be openly promoted and sold to the public.
Understanding claims of proof
Consumers should not be expected to intuitively grasp the notion
of scientific proof. The requirements for the designation "evidence-based"
are far more involved and stringent than is generally assumed. Further,
the procedures and criteria of the scientific method, which forms
the basis of proof, are simply not common knowledge. To recognize
this is the first step toward learning to distinguish valid from
unfounded LD treatments.
It is not surprising that false or misleading claims about LD treatments
are regularly and successfully marketed to the general public. Those
who make invalid allegations depend on consumers' lack of research
expertise for their success. The less consumers understand about
scientific validity, the easier it is to sell unsubstantiated treatments
as proven interventions. Unless consumers make deliberate efforts
to become informed they will be ill equipped to judge the validity
of LD interventions and have no basis with which to make sound treatment
To legitimately promote a treatment as effective requires proof.
If there is no mention of testing, research, or evidence, it is
highly unlikely that the intervention in question has been subjected
to any kind of scientific inquiry. Without research support, allegations
of treatment validity remain unsubstantiated and should be viewed
with caution and even skepticism. This is not to say that interventions
without an evidence-base are necessarily ineffective. It simply
means that claims of treatment efficacy should be reserved for interventions
that have been subjected to proper scientific investigation. Unfortunately,
this is often not the case with treatment promotions regularly being
made in the absence of proof.
Beware of subjective reports
Testimonials, anecdotes and personal accounts although sometimes
compelling do not constitute scientific evidence. Even if accurate,
subjective reports are based on individual cases that do not generalize
to other situations. Stories of treatment success are of value if
they provide hope and direct consumers to investigate new interventions
but they do not qualify as proof and should never be thought of
as such.
How to determine if an intervention has research support
The terms "research", "evidence", "support"
tend to be used loosely and sometimes haphazardly. In reality there
is good research and bad research. More often than not research
does not meet the standards of proper scientific investigation.
Alleged evidence might be scientific or anecdotal, systematically
determined or casually gathered. Even among valid research studies,
only a small percentage provide decisive information about treatment
The first step in evaluating any claim of research support is to
locate the source of the alleged evidence. By whom, when, and how
was the information obtained? If there truly is evidence supporting
the effectiveness of an intervention, it should be made available
to the consumer. More often than not, simply locating the source
of the research (or finding that it does not exist) will be enough
to determine whether or not claims of support are justified. If
there is systematic research underlying a claim of proof, reference
will be made to a particular study or studies. Research published
in academic journals will be identified by a reference which lists
the author(s), date, article title, journal title, volume, and page
number of the research study.
The publication of research in a peer reviewed journal is one indication
of its quality and means that the research has been reviewed and
scrutinized by a panel of experts in the field. While publication
in a peer reviewed journal does not guarantee scientific rigor,
an absence of peer reviewed research is a very good indication that
any allegations of proof are false.
Not all research findings qualify as proof
Unfortunately, the majority of published intervention studies lack
scientific rigor. In a comprehensive synthesis of 30 years of learning
disabilities intervention research, Swanson and colleagues examined
evidence from 900 different LD intervention studies. Of these 900
studies, only 25% met the author's criteria for inclusion in the
analysis. Further, of the 25% included in the synthesis, only 5%
met the high standards of proper research methodology (Swanson,
et al., 1999). The results of this review highlight the complexities
of scientific research and the difficulties associated with establishing
Clearly, treatments should not be regarded as valid simply because
published studies have been cited. Second-hand accounts of research
findings are only interpretations of actual results and are frequently
biased, misleading or altogether incorrect. In the process of interpretation,
results can be inadvertently or intentionally misrepresented. In
order to determine the actual outcomes of an intervention study
it is advisable to consult the original source of the cited research
whenever possible.
The original research source, although more accurate and reliable
than secondary interpretations, is often more difficult to understand.
All experimental studies use some form of statistical analysis which
can be incomprehensible to non-experts. Indeed researchers themselves
spend years studying and learning about the statistical analysis
of data. It is not recommended or at all necessary to become an
expert in statistical analysis to understand claims of intervention
efficacy. A review of the introduction and discussion sections of
the research report will be sufficient to get a general sense of
any significant findings and their interpretation by the authors.
Because the research has been subjected to peer review, definitive
claims of treatment efficacy will only be made if they are justified
by the results.
The scientific method
Investigators use several kinds of research to further our understanding
of LD interventions. Three common designs include descriptive analyses,
large-scale field studies, and experimental designs. All of these
approaches contribute to our understanding of LD interventions but
not all can provide us with proof of treatment efficacy. Evidence
for treatment validity can only be obtained through the use of experimental
designs which follow the scientific method.
When intervention research adheres to the standards of the scientific
method, valid claims of efficacy can be made with a minimum of bias.
Using the scientific method, researchers first form a hypothesis
or idea which is then formulated as a prediction (e.g. "treatment
X will help children with LD learn to read"). An experiment
is then designed to test this prediction. The nature of the treatment,
how it will be implemented, and the means for evaluating treatment
efficacy are all objectively defined and described in detail prior
to conducting the intervention. Pre and post intervention measures
are obtained with the use of objective measures.
The most credible intervention studies always control for alternative
explanations of the research findings. A control group is composed
of individuals who are similar to participants in the treatment
group on most important measures such as age, type of disability,
etc. However, the control group does not receive the treatment.
Without a comparison control group there would be no way of knowing
whether the treatment or some other factor caused observed changes
in behavior or performance.
Once an experiment has been conducted, statistical tests are carried
out to determine if any treatment effects are scientifically meaningful
or simply due to chance. If statistically significant results are
found, the research must then be subjected to scrutiny by experts
in the field before being accepted for publication in peer reviewed
academic journals. Finally, for a finding to be considered well
established, the research must be confirmed through replication
by independent researchers in the field.
Successful research does not equal successful implementation
Once a particular intervention is shown to be effective through
properly controlled experimentation, the process of implementation
can begin. Implementation involves transferring what has been established
in a controlled research setting to the everyday environment. The
conditions of carefully controlled experimentation can be quite
different from real life circumstances. The very things that are
controlled for during intervention studies form a critical part
of real life and cannot be ignored during treatment implementation.
Challenges associated with transferring research findings to the
real world make the process of implementation perhaps as daunting
as the process of proving treatment validity.
Obtaining scientific proof of LD treatment efficacy, replicating
valid findings, and finally implementing proven interventions is
an extremely lengthy, arduous and costly process. This fact coupled
with the intense demand for effective LD treatments has led to the
proliferation of a myriad of unsubstantiated LD interventions.
To be an informed LD intervention consumer means learning to distinguish
evidence-based treatments from unsubstantiated claims of treatment
efficacy. Fortunately, there are clearly defined steps that can
be taken to verify any allegations of proof. The general recommendation
for the LD intervention consumer is to proceed with caution, become
informed, and scrutinize any claims of efficacy. An awareness of
the complexities of intervention research will perhaps encourage
LD consumers to have patience when making important decisions regarding
LD treatments.
Hoagwood, K., Burns, B.J., Kiser, L., Ringeisen, H. & Schoenwald
S.K. (2001). Evidence-based practice in child and adolescent mental
health services. Psychiatric Services, 52(9), 1179-1189.
Swanson, H. L., Hoskyn M., & Lee, C. M. (1999). Interventions
for students with learning disabilities: A meta-analysis of treatment
outcomes. New York: Guilford Press.
Swanson, H.L. (2000). Issues facing the field of learning disabilities.
Learning Disability Quarterly, 23, 37-50.
