The Adaptech Research Network is investigating
the accessibility of eLearning to Canadian college and university
students with disabilities, including students with learning disabilities.
We define eLearning as all information and communication technologies,
such as PowerPoint, CD-ROMs and the Internet, that are used by professors
in classroom and online courses.
We are looking for :
- college and university students with disabilities who have taken
at least one course in the last three years where the professor
used someform of eLearning;
- staff who provide disability-related services at Canadian postsecondary
- college and university professors who have taught at least one
student with a disability during the last three years in a course
where they used some form of eLearning; and
- individuals who support/implement eLearning at Canadian postsecondary
institutions, including VPs and managers of distance education
and instructional technology departments; persons who train faculty
to use technology or multimedia; designers and developers of eLearning
on campus, and so on.
Participants will be asked to complete a confidential online survey
lasting approximately 20 minutes twice, one month apart.
This study is part of the Disability and Information Technologies
Research Alliance and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
For more information or to participate in this study send an email
and indicate whether you are a student with a disability, an individual
who provides disability-related services, a professor, or an individual
who supports/implements eLearning on campus.
Jennison Asuncion
Co-director, Adaptech Research Network
