Overcoming Dyslexia, Sally Md Shaywitz Published By: Knopf Canada ($27.26)
New Haven, Conn. -- The goal of "Overcoming Dyslexia," a new book by Yale School of Medicine researcher Sally Shaywitz, M.D., is to translate groundbreaking research on the disorder, including brain imaging studies, into practical methods and programs that can be used by every teacher and parent. |

Bridging the Gap: Raising a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder, by Rondalyn Varney Whitney, 2002, Berkley Publishing Group, New York, NY, ($19.99). |
Rondalyn Whitney writes from her perspective as an occupational therapist and as a parent of a child with NLD. She uses numerous examples from her son Zak's life to capture the perspective of someone growing up with NLD. There are many practical suggestions on dealing with everyday life, including emotional-social issues, discipline, safety, schooling and finding the right professional help. Her concept of using "teaching moments" is particularly helpful. |
Understanding Girls with AD/HD, by Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D., Ellen B. Littman, Ph.D. and Patricia O. Quinn, M.D., 1999, Advantage Books, Silver Spring, MD ($31.95) |
This innovative book looks at ways that girls with ADHD are typically different from boys with this diagnosis, and therefore are under-identified. The authors have based their discussion on research findings combined with their clinical experiences with ADHD girls and the insights of women who have been diagnosed ADHD later in life. There are chapters describing common difficulties and helpful strategies for age groups from preschool through high school. Educational and treatment approaches especially geared to girls' needs are presented, taking into account such factors as the effects of puberty and the fact that depression and/or anxiety often co-exist with ADHD in girls. |
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities and their Clinical Subtypes: Assessment, Diagnosis and Management, by Maggie Mamen, Ph.D.,C.Psych., 2000 ($10.00)
Dr. Maggie Mamen has drawn on her extensive clinical experience and that of her colleagues at Centrepointe Professional Services in Ottawa to write this handbook on Nonverbal LD. She describes the features of four clinical subtypes they have identified, based on patterns of difficulties and test profiles: perceptual, social, written expressive and attentional NLD's. Dr. Mamen shares many practical strategies for improving organizational skills, communication skills, social language, social perception and written expression, and she gives guidelines for dealing with attentional fluctuations and behaviour management.
The Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia, by Regina G. Richards, 1999, Linguisystems, East Modine, IL, ($77.95).
Regina Edwards has previously published The Writing Dilemma: Understanding Dysgraphia. In this new comprehensive book she looks at a wider range of written language difficulties, with recommendations on assessment protocols, and several useful chapters on remediation strategies.
The Source for Learning Disabilites, by Paula S. Currie & Elizabeth M. Wadlington, 2000, Linguisystems, East Modine, IL, ($77.95).
The authors give an overview of screening and intervention strategies in the areas of communication, reading, writing, math, and attention deficits. There is a good chapter on social and emotional aspects of LD.
The Source for Processing Disorders, by Gail J. Richard, 2001, Linguisystems, East Modine, IL, ($77.95).
This book looks at assessment and remediation of both auditory and language processing disorders. The author explains both processes clearly, including physiological and neurological aspects, and makes the point that it is important to sort out auditory vs. language components so that intervention efforts meet each child's needs.
For more information on any of these books please contact Diane Wagner at: resource@ldao.ca