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Legislation Issues

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  1. Letter to Human Rights Legal Clinic

  2. Letter to OHR Tribunal Chair

  3. Letter to Minister Kathleen Wynne - School Safety (July 2007)

  4. Letter to Minister Kathleen Wynne (January 2007) (PDF File)

  5. Response to Bill 107: Human Rights Code Amendment Act (November 2006) (Word File)

  6. Comments on the Report of the Safe Schools Action Team (September 2006)

  7. LDAO Comments on Special Education Transformation (August 2006)

  8. Submission to Safe Schools Action Tea - February 06 (Word File)

  9. Letter to Attorney General Bryant - April 06 (Word File)

  10. Letter on Bullying Prevention - April 06 (Word File)

  11. Ministry Report on Strengthening Adult Education

  12. LDAO Response to the Ministry Report on Strengthening Adult Education (PDF File)

  13. LDAO Response to the Review of Employment Assistance Programs in OW and ODSP (PDF File)

  14. Response to Ontario College of Teachers Consultation: Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow (PDF File)

  15. Recommendations for the development of an effective special education funding formula that promotes student success (PDF File)

  16. Revisiting Ontario’s Special Education Funding Formula: an urgent need for action - LDAO (PDF File)

  17. Submission to the Education Equality Task Force - LDAO

On the Legislative Front:

  1. Accommodations: a key component of ...- Eva Nichols

  2. Response to the Consultation Paper on Education and Disability, Human Rights Issues in Ontario's Education System - LDAO

  3. Investing in Public Education: Advancing the Goal of Continuous Improvement in Student Learning and Achievement: a response to the report of the Education Equality Task Force - By Eva Nichols

  4. High Stakes Testing in Ontario - By Carol Yaworski, LDAO

  5. The Early Years Study: Reversing the Real Brain Drain - Eva Nichols

  6. The Grade 10 Literacy Test - Eva Nichols

  7. LDAO Response to the Learning Opportunities Task Force Report - By Carol Yaworski, LDAO

  8. Transition Planning: Is it Happening for Your Child? - Eva Nichols

  9. Revisiting the ISA Process and Profile Once Again - Eva Nichols
