This area is designed
for professionals working with individuals who have a Learning Disability
(LD). Use our Resources area to get access to articles, videos and
other materials. "Talk to Us" or use the "Bulletin Board" to interact
with individuals with LD, or parents and professionals working with
individuals with LD.

Please select this link to read (PDF File)

The Adaptech Research Network is investigating the accessibility
of eLearning to Canadian college and university students with disabilities
Janssen-Ortho has informed
the public that CONCERTA is now covered by the Ontario Drug Benefit
program of the Ministry of Health. Coverage for CONCERTA will be
considered by the Ontario Drug Benefit Program if the following
criteria are met Read more
The Canadian Education Association is pleased to invite you to
participate in a one-day Symposium entitled "What do we
know about early learning and what are we doing about it?" .
This event will take place on May 18, 2005 at the Delta Meadowvale
in Mississauga , in the greater Toronto area. Select
this link to view or download the brochure.
Learning Disabilities affect the lives of up to 10 percent of the
general population. This statistic cuts across national, ethnic,
and racial boundaries, as well as socio-economic conditions. In
spite of the fact that Learning Disabilities have the highest recognized
incidence of all disabilities, there is still limited understanding
and acceptance of the condition as a real disability.
Job-Fit was developed by LDAO to help people with Learning Disabilities
improve and enhance their employability and job-readiness skills.
Studies have shown that many people who are unemployed and/or are
perpetually on social assistance have disabilities. Some of these
studies have also shown that people with invisible and/or less well-understood
disabilities are even more likely to face discrimination than those
with the more readily visible and understood disabilities. Even
though many countries now have legislation barring discrimination
and mandating the accommodation of persons with disabilities, such
supports are frequently denied to those who have Learning Disabilities.
Of course, many people with Learning Disabilities are quite successful
and require little or no outside assistance. They have figured out
for themselves how to utilize and build on their strengths and use
coping strategies to compensate for their areas of weakness. Such
people usually do well in school and go on to become productively
employed. Frequently, they are the only ones aware that they have
Learning Disabilities.
The experience of those who have Learning Disabilities and who
are successful has shown that Learning Disabilities can be overcome.
People with Learning Disabilities are usually employable. With the
right training, support, self-awareness, and accommodation they
can become self-supporting, productive workers.
There is no requirement for a formal diagnosis or assessment of
Learning Disabilities for someone to use Job-Fit. Job-Fit may be
useful for some clients who have not been identified as having Learning
Disabilities but who are having difficulties similar to clients
with Learning Disabilities.
Job-Fit is a facilitated program, developed to assist persons with
Learning Disabilities to become more self-aware, to make any necessary
changes for themselves, and to become productively employed. Consisting
of a facilitator's guide and 2 client work books, Job-Fit addressed
the following topics:
Module 1 — Introduction to Job-Fit
Module 2 — Understanding Your Assessments
Module 3 — Learning Styles and Strategies
Module 4 — Useful Information
Module 5 — Setting Employment Goals
Module 6 — Becoming Job Ready
Module 7 — Workplace Issues
Module 8 — Pulling It All Together
The prices for Job-Fit are as follows:
- Client Books $75 each, plus Shipping and Handling
- Facilitator Guide $50, each plus Shipping and Handling
An annual site licence is also available, the price of which depends
on client volume, and is negotiated on an individual basis with LDAO
For more information or to order Job-Fit materials, please contract
Kate Lloyd at
or at 416.929.4311 x. 23.
To order, go to
and type “Some Assembly” into the Title Search. Select “go”.
SOAR is transition curriculum for students grade 6 - 9 with learning
disabilities. Approved by Curriculum Services Canada, the curriculum
is designed to assist students in succeeding in school and making
healthy choices for their future. To learn more about SOAR please
select the link below.
more about SOAR
Click here for Programs &