Submissions should be no more than 2000 words and should not
be testimonials or advertisements for products, therapies, schools
or organizations. We like to display a photo of the author, so
please send one along if available.
Authors should tell how they have dealt with the challenges
or successes of learning disabilities, either as a parent, a teacher,
or an adult with L.D.
Authors should understand that essays used on Access
LDAO can be read and downloaded by Access LDAO
users. A new essay will be featured on a regular basis
and then archived for users to access
Access LDAO reserves the right to reject any
submission and to edit submissions for length, style, and clarity.
Submissions and photos will not be returned.
From time to time LDAO receives requests from other organizations
to reprint these stories. If you are willing to grant permission
for use of your story, please provide your contact information
so that we may pass it on to individuals making such requests.
To provide open permission, you may state at the end of your
story "I ‘Name' grant permission to reprint or use this story
for non-commercial and education purposes only”.