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AT Products & Services
for individuals with LDs
The following websites are provided in order for you to gain more
information regarding some of the products we know
to be widely used to assist individuals with Learning Disabilities.
The list is not exhaustive and LDAO does not necessarily
endorse or recommend any of the opinions, views or practices
contained in these websites. Tis specific list of software descriptions
was compiled froman adult literacy project report.
- Kurzweil 3000 v5.00 can read aloud, using synthetic
speech, virtually any electronic file on a computer or the Internet.
The Scan/Read version adds the ability to scan and then read any
type-written document. A click of the mouse positions the cursor
and reading will begin from that position when the play button
is clicked. Words are highlighted as they are read, thus making
tracking easier. Unfamiliar words can be broken down into syllables
using the syllabification tool and defined using a built-in electronic
dictionary. Unfortunately, the dictionary definitions are difficult
for many learners to decipher. The built-in word processor is
limited to RTF file format, but it does provide speak-as-you-type
feedback and is simple to use. It also has word prediction capability,
but this feature is not as user-friendly as Co:Writer. Font and
size of text in the word prediction box cannot be adjusted, and
it requires two keystrokes to select a word from the prediction
list (as opposed to the one needed in Co:Writer). Text highlight
and extraction tools are unique to this program and were very
useful to learners. There is extensive control over menus, colours,
fonts, and voices, and learners create accounts on which to save
their own preferences. Scan/Read need only be available at one
scanner-equipped workstation since scanned text is easily transferred
to any read-only workstation for reading. Although this version
can read directly from web pages without the need to select a
block of text, it is not compatible with Internet Explorer V.6
or above. Kurzweil 3000 V.7.00, which was released recently, is
more compatible and, among other improvements, can work with .doc
files. Unfortunately, however, this version came out too late
to be included in the field test. Despite the shortcomings noted
above, this is an excellent program and its diverse features more
than offset the price. A licence for one Scan/Read black &
white station and four Read-only stations costs about $3000. A
single license for the Read-only version is $398, and Scan/Read
black & white is $1752. All prices are in Canadian dollars
as of July 2002. Manufacturer: Kurzweil Educational Systems, Inc.,,
- Write:OutLoud 3.0 is a speaking word processor
with simple formatting tools. Its primary feature is speak-as-you-type
audio feedback. Learners can choose to have each word, sentence,
or paragraph read back to them as it is completed. It can also
be used as a simple text-reader by cutting and pasting text into
it. Unfortunately, this program has several significant problems.
While the Backspace key works as expected, for example, the Delete
key does not work at all. The proprietary file type (.WOL) makes
it difficult to transfer completed writing to other programs without
losing formatting. The Ariel font does not print out properly;
it comes out looking like Courier with variable spacing. All other
fonts seem to work well; but, since Ariel is the standard Windows
font, it is needed for operations such as "cut and paste."
The program gives an audio-visual alert when a word is typed incorrectly;
however, the spell-checker is not able to check a specific word
alone (it must check the whole document every time). Limited features
and many flaws make this program hard to recommend. $158 Manufacturer:
Don Johnston Inc.,,